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Гімн України
1: Доброго дня шановні гості, вчителі, учні! Ми раді
Вас вітати на нашому святі.
2: Слово для привітання надається директору
загальноосвітньої школи І-ІІІ ступенів № 6.
1: Tarаs Shevchenko is the symbol of the nation, a Ukrainian Moses.
He is our past, present and future. His name is known all over the world. His
poems are popular on all the continents. He still lives in Ukraine , and Ukraine lives in him...
Taras Shevchenko.
Everything he did, he did in the name of Ukraine and for her sake. His every
poem is filled with pain, suffering and torment. And at the same time it is
filled with great love to his people, his land.
Ведучий 2: The lines of the famous Shevchenko’s poem are
full of such love. Еvery Ukrainian knows this verse. It is a "Testament". Today
you have a unique opportunity to hear the great poetry of Taras
on three languages: Ukrainian, English and German.
Перша учениця:
Як умру, то поховайте
Мене на могилі
Серед степу широкого
На Вкраїні милій,
Щоб лани широкополі,
І Дніпро, і кручі
Було видно, було чути,
Як реве ревучий.
When from Ukraine
the Dnipro bears
Into the deep blue sea
The blood of foes... Then will I leave
hills and fertile fields —
I’ll leave them
all and fly away
the abode of God,
then I'll pray...But till that day
I nothing know of God.
So begrabt
mich und erhebt euch!
Die Ketten zerfetzet!
Mit dem Blut der bösen Feinde
Die Freiheit benetzet!
Meiner sollt in der Familie,
In der großen, ihr gedenken,
Und sollt in der freien, neuen
Still ein gutes Wort mir schenken.
Die Ketten zerfetzet!
Mit dem Blut der bösen Feinde
Die Freiheit benetzet!
Meiner sollt in der Familie,
In der großen, ihr gedenken,
Und sollt in der freien, neuen
Still ein gutes Wort mir schenken.
Ведучі 1: What
was the life of the great poet, from childhood to adulthood? How changed his views and
thoughts? All these questions have been
studied by the biographers, literary critics and historians. But where can be found the answers as in the verses
of the poet?
Перший учень:
I was thirteen. I herded lambs
Beyond the village on the lea.
The magic of the sun, perhaps,
Or what was it affected me?
I felt with joy all overcome,
As though with God...
The time for lunch had long passed by,
And still among the weeds I lay
And prayed to God... I know not why
It was so pleasant then to pray
For me, an orphan peasant boy,
Or why such bliss so filled me there?
The sky seemed bright, the village fair,
The very lambs seemed to rejoice!
The sun's rays warmed but did not sear!
But not for long the sun stayed kind,
Not long in bliss I prayed...
Друга учениця:
It does not touch me, not a whit
If I live in Ukraine
or no,
If men recall me, or forget,
Lost as I am, in foreign snow, —
Touches me not the slightest whit.
Captive, to manhood I have grown
In strangers' homes, and by my own
Unmourned, a weeping captive still,
I'll die, all that is mine, I will
Bear off; let not a trace remain
In our glorious Ukraine .
Our own land — yet a strangers' rather.
And speaking with his son, no father
Will recall, nor bit him: Pray,
Pray, son! Of old, for our Ukraine ,
They tortured all his life away.
It does not touch me, not a whit,
Whether that son will pray or no...
But it does touch me deep if knave,
Evil rogues lull our Ukraine
Asleep, and only in the flames
Let her, all plundered, wake again...
That touches me with
deepest pain.
учениця зачитує вірш «Садок вишневий коло хати» англійською мовою.
Третя учениця:
the cottage cherry-trees are swinging,
the cherries may-bugs winging,
with their ploughs are homeward heading,
lassies as they pass are singing,
mothers wait with supper ready.
Ведучі 2: Shevchenko's genius is endless. This greatness
keeps us spiritually and ethically to the highest human criteria. Somebody said
jokingly: «You should go to Shevchenko all your life and should always come
back to him again and again».
Shevchenko is considered to be the most recognized Ukrainian poet in the world.
Ведучий 1: During the 47 years of his relentless life, Shevchenko produced numerous poems and artworks, which are valued with the
deep respect and honor by nations across the world.
Many of his poems have been put to music
and continue to evoke tender feelings in the hearts of people. And now we
invite you to listen to some of his best masterpieces performed.
Natalya Varenick
with school vocal group!
Пісня «Бандуристе орле
Ведучий 2: The soul of the people... It
cannot be heard, it's dumb, but what lies behind this silence...... the Soul of
the people, Taras Shevchenko, as no one else could feel her sadness and the
joy, the unspeakable pain and unconquerable will to freedom. And, besides, the soul can be felt, it can be
seen. To see it in the dance, where each movement is a word that it says to each of us.
Ведучий 1: Shevchenko was not only a brilliant poet and talented
painter, he was an uncompromising fighter. A freedom fighter, for truth, for
the people, for Ukraine. He fought for country's future by deed and word. A vivid
example of this struggle is the poem "Dream".
Третій учень:
We fly... I
look — the dawn arrives,
sky's edge bursts ablaze;
shady glades the nightingales
breezes softly, lightly wake
steppe lands from their dreams;
the lash valleys, by the lakes
willows shimmer green.
orchards, heavy laden, bow;
poplars stand at ease
sentinels when all is well,
gossip with the fields.
all about, the whole land gleams
nature's warmest hues,
with blossoms, dressed in green.
bathed in drops of dew
greets the morning sun...
no beginning to all this,
ending, too there's none!
no one who could either gild
blotch this beauty-land...
all of this...
aching heart,
soul, why are you sad?
poor, my desolated soul,
do you vainly weep?
is it you pity? Alas, can't you see?
And cannot
you hear how the multitudes cry?
Ведучий 2: We are talking a lot about Taras today. Your thought
is very interesting and important for us. It seems now is the most successful time for
dialogue. Let's think, who is Shevchenko for each of us? What we actually know
about him?
Ведучий 1: Do you know when Taras Shevchenko was born?
Перший учень: He was born on March 9, 1814.
think everybody knows where he was born.
Ведучий 2: Yes, it's a well-known fact that he was
born in the village of Moryntsi. But when he was a 2-year-old boy, his family
moved to the village of Kyrylivka , where Taras
spent his childhood. Do you know what were his parents?
Другий учень: His parents were serfs. They passed
away, so he became an orphan at the age of 11. Why did he move to St. Petersburg ?
1: Why did he move to St. Petersburg ?
Третій учень: After his parents' death he felt very
sad. He was taken to the landlord's estate and he had to move to St. Petersburg together
with his master. He spent a great part of his life in that city and he also
studied there.
Ведучий 2: Do
you know where he studied?
Четвертий учень: He studied at the Academy ofbecame
Shevchenko's friend and teacher. It was there, where he wrote a lot of poems.
Do you have any idea what the name of his first collection of poems was?
Ведучий 1: Do
you have any idea what the name of his first collection of poems was?
учениця: It was named «Kobzar». Shevchenko
also wrote his famous poems «The Haidamaks», «The Testament», «Kateryna» to
mention a few. It's a matter of common knowledge that he made a few trips to
the regions of Ukraine . Do you know where he spent 10 long years of his
Ведучий 2: Do you know where he spent 10 long years of his
Шостий учень: He was exiled to the Caspian steppes. It
was really hard for him because he was kept under strict surveillance and was
prohibited both to write poems and paint. And a couple of years later after his
release the famous Ukrainian poet died.
Ведучий 1:
When did it happen?
учениця: He died on March 10,
1861, so he didn't have much time to enjoy his freedom. According to his will
(and he wrote about it in his «Testament») he wanted to be buried in Uklraine on a
high bank of the Dnipro river.
Ведучий 2: What
do you think about his cultural heritage?
Восьмий учень: Taras Shevchenko's works have become the
symbol of freedom and independence of the Ukrainian nation.
Ведучий 1: Україна завжди прагнула бути могутньою та незалежною державою.
Багато років наш народ шукав шляхи до здійснення цієї мрії. Мабуть, найкоротший
шлях – це шлях єднання. Ми різні, але є
те, що об‘єднує нас усіх. Це наша історія, наша культура, наша мова. Ми
звертаємося до кожного: будьте гідними нащадками мови Тараса та його великої
спадщини. Він, як ніхто інший відчував необхідність у єдності, бо тільки так
можна стати справжньою силою.
2: Thank
you for coming to Shevchenko. Thank you for remembering Ukraine's cultural
godfather, an orphaned serf who became a painter; a painter who became a
fearless poet; and a poet who endured imprisonment and exile to become the
voice of his people.
Ведучий 1: А зараз ми
запрошуємо всіх відвідати наступні станції «Шевченко – художник», «Мапа
подорожей Т.Г.Шевченка», «Мапа монументів».
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